Friday, January 10, 2014

Distilled Devotions

[Stressful situation sinisterly sits, squelching, sucking sense and sanity from my solitude and soirees...] Everything is murky and unclear.

But this I know: 

"Trusting God" is for the days of "normal" and the days of doubt. In fact it is specifically made for days of doubt. And right now I don't know what will happen or exactly what I need to do or how to do it, so I'll call this a day of doubt. 

Worrying is not trusting. I'm commanded to trust. I'm commanded not to worry. And worry, which is sin, burns up tons of energy. And I need to conserve my energy.

God is capable of doing great and mighty things whether I acknowledge Him or not. But He acts where there is faith. He doesn't act where there isn't. In fact, Mark 6:5-6 says,
And He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He wondered at their unbelief. (emphasis added) 
So if I want to see God act, I have to believe. There is no other way--continuing to worry instead of starting to trust is like trying over and over to turn on the toaster when it isn't plugged in.

I can't change anybody in this situation, except me. I can't even change me by myself. I am dependent on God to change the broken parts of me, and I am definitely dependent on Him to work in the other actors in this situation. 

To worry about the situation as my course of action is absurd, because nothing I can do will change any one of them.

To trust God with the situation is the one course of action that makes perfect sense, because trust activates God to work... and He is THE ONLY Person who CAN change each one of them and me!

So today I need to stop spinning my wheels--wasting precious time, wasting precious energy--and trust.

How do I practice trusting? By expressing it verbally and mentally. 

Verbally, I express it to the Lord in the hearing of myself, and I express it within my own spirit to myself. :) "I trust You, Lord." "I trust the Lord." Here's a perfect example from my devotional reading for today. Psalm 56:3-4 says,
When I am afraid [or, "In the day I am afraid..."--love that!], I will put my trust in You [or, "I am one who puts..."--good, a change of self-perception!]. In God, whose Word I praise, in God I have put my trust; what can mere man do to me?
Mentally, I express trust by consciously choosing to chew on good content. That is, I need to dwell on God's extreme ability to handle the details of my life, His excellent past record of doing so, and His extreme love for me--instead of allowing my mind to wallow around in the problems I'm concerned about.


Trust is custom-made for the day of doubt, the day of fear.

I need to express trust to God in the hearing of myself.

I need to keep my mind "out of the gutter" regarding my problems.

Worry is sin that wastes my time and energy and makes God unmotivated to work on my behalf.

Trusting is an act of obedience so pleasing to God that, when He sees it, He is motivated to act on my behalf, because it lifts Him up to His proper place.

Thank You

Thank you, God, for answering my prayers and blessing me with awesome friends. Friends who love and serve You. Friends who understand me. Friends who love me in spite of me. Friends who encourage me. Friends to laugh with. Cry with. Be with.